Thursday, May 31, 2007

No Title....

My new favorite song is Rehab by Amy Winehouse. I don't know why I just love that song. :)

Nothing special going on lately. Zach is excited about turning the page on the calendar because that means he can see the day we are Xing for. haha! Which is the day we go to the beach.

We got paid today!!! I am so feels good to have money left over in the bank. The only reason that is though is because we got to skip paying the truck this month because we refinanced it. ha!

I told Chris that I want to go somewhere this weekend. So we are going to watch a movie. I am not sure yet what we are going to watch but one of these probably.....

what I want to see are these.......

We will see. Well until next time......

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend!

The weekend was great!! I loved not having to get up early and go to work. Ha! Then this morning came......

We didn't do too much. Chris washed his big truck, my car and the little truck (Zach's truck).

We bought groceries Friday night so we didn't have to go anywhere all weekend long!! Zach hated that but I loved it. I cleaned up the house Saturday and washed clothes. Looks a little better but not the greatest. I did have this craving for chocolate Saturday night at 9:00 so we went to town and got some. LOL

My VACATION is only a few more days away!! YEAH! I can't wait!! I won't even think about work the whole week. Hopefully.

Mom, Dad, Hannah and Richard went to the beach. They said they had fun. I wanted to go but I want to save my money for my vacation. :-)

My son asked me this morning why I do what he tells me to. WHAT!!!???!!! I told him that I was being nice by doing what he asks me to do or not to do, but since he was going to have an attitude about it I wouldn't do it anymore. HA! I'll show him!

Well not much else to tell. Was just a lazy weekend!! Hopefully this weekend we might be able to do something besides sit. We will see.

Until next time!!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Is this week over yet?

THREE DAY WEEKEND!! The greatest words ever!! haha! I am so ready for Friday. This has been a horrible week.

Zach and I started watching Spiderman last night. I got tired of it so we cut it off. I am a mean Moma!!

I found out yesterday that Zach going to "Big School" is going to cost us more than where he is going now. I cried a lot last night. I just don't know what to do. I will be ok. I might send him to the Y this summer and save some money. I will ask him what he wants to do. Who knows?

What does everyone else do when they can't afford something? Do they just make do or just don't tell anyone about their problems? I have always wondered that. ha!

Well Until next time........

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Just a Note...

This is the kind of note we need to put up at work for the coworker that is nasty!!!!

Funeral homes....

I hate going to funeral homes....but last night I had to go to a wake for my great uncle that died Monday morning. I had about decided not to go and then changed my mind. And of course everything that I put on made me feel bad because it was too little or ugly. haha! So now I feel like I hate myself. It will pass sooner or later.

Anyway, when we got to the funeral home my mom, dad, Hannah and Richard were standing outside waiting on us. Zach told me that he was going to be good because he wanted to see the dead man that had been killed. I told him that he hadn't been killed he had just died. And of course that was followed by "why?" I said because it was just his time to go. "why?" because God wanted him to die. Well, when we got there he started saying he wanted to go see God. Hannah told him that she did too but the only way to do that was to die and he was ok with that.

He thinks that if he dies he will be glued back together and be ok.

It was the most horrible hour of my life. Not only because of the body but because of all the people staring at me because they knew me but didn't want to say anything, and because of Zach yelling that he was ready to go home. And then he pulled my shirt up!! I was mortified!! Hannah said no one saw but I bet they did. :- I told Zach that we would go outside and he said ok that he would go wait on me in the car. haha! No.

Chris' great aunt was there....she called Zach "Jack". It is ok that Tristan does it because he can't say Zach all the way but when a woman that is over 65 years old calls my son by a name that is not his it upsets me. Especially since his whole family acts like they know so much about Zach. They all ask him the same thing...."Are you liking school?" He of course ignored everyone that tried to talk to him. Acted like they weren't even talking.

When he did that to some people I just wanted to pinch his arm....(which I did). And he yelled that I was hurting him. More people staring!!

I am just horrified at the thought of people staring at me because I was already feeling bad about myself.

You know when my grandmother died I cried my eyes out. Well there was no one crying there last night. That is just weird to me.

Anyway!! Until next time!!.......

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

This is what I want to say to everyone at work!! haha!!

Monday, May 21, 2007


Monday's are always horrible days.

Anyway!! The weekend went pretty good. Me, Mom, Zach, Hannah and Richard went to Thomasville Friday night. We ate at Ryan's and then we went to Walmart and shopped and bought groceries. I spent too much money as usual.

Saturday we stayed around the house until about 3:30 and then we went to see Chris' grandmother (Mother) in the nursing home. She kind of upset me....but then again she is just an old lady so we have to just listen to her and not get upset. Well, anyway, Zach of course was not wanting to be there and he wanted me to hold him so I was (of course) and she looked at me and said He's not going to be fat. What!!???!! Why would he be? Just because his mom is fat doesn't mean that he automatically gets to be. UGH!!!

After we left there we went to Tyler's birthday party. Zach had so much fun!! He was playing Pirates or something with all the older kids. (not really sure why he wants to play with the older kids but...whatever works for him...) We stayed there until 5:30 then we went to the grocery store to get a few things that I forgot on Friday night.

Yesterday we went to Mom's...(no upsetting moments ;-) haha)

Dad's sugar is acting is going up to almost 400 I think mom said. He is going to the doctor on Friday. They may have to take him off the truck because if he has to start taking insulin shots everyday he can't drive. We are praying that that doesn't happen.

We are thinking about going to the beach this weekend. But I know that there will be a lot of people there because of it being Memorial Day and all. I don't know if we will go or not. Dad didn't act too happy about going to the beach last night. haha! Dad isn't too much of a beach person anyway. Who knows what we will do. We will see. I would love to go and I know Zach would have fun.

Well until next time.....

Friday, May 18, 2007

Did I Overreact?

Yesterday when I got back from lunch with Tracey (today is her birthday!!), my computer desktop had a picture of a man and woman doing things that I will not name. Some of my coworkers had put it on there in my absense. Any other time maybe I would have laughed and went on about my business but it really got off with me. I don't know why. Maybe I overreacted to the situation, maybe I didn't. I don't know. I don't know if it embarrassed me or what happened. I was scared that my boss was going to see it for one, but thankfully she didn't. It's over and done now. Moving on.....
On the way home yesterday Zach wanted to listen to Fly Away by Tim McGraw. He loves that song. So when he asked/told me I turned it to it. Well he said pause it for a I did and he said why do you always do what I tell you to? WHAT!!???!!?? So I said well from now on when you want me to do something I won't do it because you don't do what I tell you to. And he laughed. My 4 year old knows that I do whatever he wants me to and knows that I won't fuss about it most of the time. Got to change that!! I told him that if he didn't behave then we wouldn't go to Tyler's birthday party tomorrow. And of course he got upset and told me that he wouldn't be mean anymore. HA!!

Well it's FRIDAY!!! I am so glad that I get to be home tomorrow instead of at work!! And then next Monday is Memorial Day (may 28) and we are off!! Yeah!!

Have a good weekend!! Until next time.......

Thursday, May 17, 2007


This is Zach's Spring 2007 school pic....

These are the flowers that we planted Monday......

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

No Title Today.....

Forgot to take this pictures of the flowers yesterday. Maybe I won't forget this afternoon. We had to go to Fred's yesterday.

Before we went in I told Zach that he didn't have to get in the buggy if he would walk beside me and he could have some M&M's (anymems is what he calls them). So he did like he was told. I was shocked!! So he got some ice cream (for later) and some M&M's and the girl checking us out asked me why I was getting him so much sugar stuff. (Nosie) haha!! I told her it was because he listened to me and didn't run all over the place. Which is a huge thing for us. He is usually running all over the store screaming when I don't put him in the buggy.

This week is going by really slowly for some reason for me. I am ready for FRIDAY!!! We have to go see Chris' grandmother because she called me Monday night and asked me why we never come to see her anymore. And of course I felt bad so I told her that we would come see her Saturday. We also have Tyler's birthday party to go to. Zach is going to love that because we get to go to the playground for it!!

Update on the Dad thing.....

Chris' mom is supposed to be calling some people to see if she can find the man that she now thinks is his dad. I don't think she wants him to know myself. He called her Sunday to tell her Happy Mother's Day (because I told him that he needed to) and she didn't mention it. Keep in mind also she has not called our house but once since April 23. I told him that he needed to call her and ask her about if she was looking for his dad. Well she didn't really want to talk about it and the conversation turned from him to her (as per usual). So I got mad and told him to just get off the phone with her because all she cared about was herself and no one else not even him. And she was making him feel bad like it was his fault that he was born.

That was one thing that led up to what happened at Mom's. I don't usually get mad at things but I am just to my witts end with this woman!!! I just want to take her by her neck and strangle her......I am calm....breath in,.....breath out.....breath in.....breath out.

I will be ok. Well I have vented enough again today.....Until next time....

(I'm only kidding I would never really strangle anyone)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


When I went to pick up Zach yesterday he wanted to go to to buy some flowers for us to "bury"! haha!! I thought it was so cute and so funny that he said that.

I was going to take pictures of them but I forgot to. So I will do it tonight.

Anyway, we went to Walmart and got two big flower planters and some soil to put them in and then we went outside to find some that looked decent because around this Walmart there aren't that many. We ended up getting some pink ones and some purple/pink ones. Don't ask me what kind they are because I do not know. They are pretty that is all I know.

So he is all excited about planting the flowers and he said he had to get his shovel and his scratcher (rake) when he got home. haha! Well we were using the shovel to move the soil around and he said "Moma, you are getting it dirty!!!" ????? It is going to get dirty because we are putting it in dirt. But everytime I told him to hold it he would wipe the dirt off of it. Crazy child of mine!!

We finally got done with the planting and of course he wanted to water them. So being the bossy person that he is he tells me to go put water in his bucket (which is the flower watering can). ha! The flowers got a bath (he doesn't know the meaning of a little).

It was a fun (and hot) experience. I will post the pics tomorrow!!

Until next time!!

Monday, May 14, 2007

I know I said that I wasn't thinking about it anymore but....I know that I am....who am I kidding? I just am not counting the days on the calender till ovulation or whatever......but I thought this was funny.

pregnancy cartoon

pregnancy cartoon

pregnancy cartoon

pregnancy cartoon


For some reason lately I feel embarrassed a lot. I don't know why or what triggers it. I made sort of a fool of myself yesterday at mom's. I won't go into the details but I am an idiot!! I was crying about something and was embarrassed that I was crying....not really sure why I cried about it to begin with but it happened! I am sorry that I acted that way especially on Mother's Day of all days. I guess I just have a lot going on in this pea sized brain of mine. ha!ha!

Anyway!! I got mom the coolest purse!! I love it!! I told her that when she got tired of it I wanted to borrow it!! haha!! I hope she liked it too.

Zach is still acting bad. Talking back and not doing what he is told. I don't know what to do about it. I told him last night not to do something and he did it anyway and I spanked him one time. Well, two seconds later he was doing it again!! What??? So I spanked him twice and I guess that got his attention because he ran off crying. I hate spanking him but the time out in the corner isn't working. And apparently taking the TV away doesn't work either. I am going to try beating him!! haha!! KIDDING!!! :-)

He has decided that we are watching Shrek the Third when we go on vacation in June!!

Until next time!!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

To all Mom's!! Happy Mother's Day!! Especially to my mom!! I love you moma!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Disney Gif Images

Disney Gif Images

Glittery texts by

Image hosting images

Image hosting

Disney Gif Images

Disney Gif Images

Thursday, May 10, 2007

COPS!!! Again???

I regret saying that I had no excitement yesterday!!

Last night around 6 or so we were sitting watching TV waiting on supper to get done when I looked outside and there is the deputy sheriff's car pulling up again!! WHAT!!! I told Chris and he (of course) thought I was lying!

So he went outside and they got out of the car and it's the same guy from the other night so he knows what is going on. He said "You are not going to believe this but they called in a complaint again!" WHAT!!! He also said that the county commissioner said that Chris had to pull the truck on the left side of the telephone pole thingy in the yard. And that to remind Chris that the county owns 10 feet of the right away so they (i guess) were staking their claim on it. STUPID!!

Chris is going to call the sheriff's office today to see who called it in and why. He has been parking there for 4 years at least and it is just now a problem? Who knows what goes through peoples minds.

Here are some pictures of where he parks. He usually parks on the right side of the pole but now they want him to park on the left side of it.

on the last pic he would be parking to the right of the pole.

They did say last time that he was at least 2 feet off the road everytime. And the deputy said that he told them (at the office) that he was parking right.

They need to move the pole in my opinion doesn't count for much.
Anyway!! This has been my excitement that I was craving yesterday morning....i guess!!

Until next time!! :-)

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

No Excitement :-(

Not too much excitement going on around here!! Not that our lives need any more excitement than we have had in the past few weeks! :-)

Zach got the TV taken away from him Monday night because he is talking back to me and Chris, and pretty much anybody that tells him what to do. He was a little better last night. I hate to do that to him but he has to learn. You know?

I'm still trying to figure out what to get mom for Mother's Day. I wanted to take her to Mobile Saturday and get her something and take her to Outback to eat supper but I don't know if she will go. We will see. Because I have no idea what to get her. I thought about a purse but that is what I got her for her birthday in February, so I am drawing a blank.

Chris' moms birthday is tomorrow. I am being nice and I sent her a card today. Because I know that he isn't going to call or get her anything. Which is understandable so I am not saying anything. I know that he is still upset. Probably more so now about her not calling since last Tues.(May 1) I just wish I could slap some sense into her. He is the only son that she has or will ever have and she treats him like he is no one to her. Who knows what goes through her mind?

Chris is still scared to be driving the log truck. I don't blame him but there is nothing that I can do about it. I can't tell him that he can just stay at home because our bills would not like that. He tells me everyday that he is terrified. What am I supposed to do? I do feel sorry for him but getting angry at me is not going to solve anything.

Well have a good day!!

Until next time......

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Monday, May 7, 2007

It's Monday :(

Monday again!! I did not want to get out of bed this morning. I am soooo ready for my vacation!! I just want to sleep late and not worry about having something to do. haha! I guess I am just lazy.

Well, my weekend was pretty good. No major upsets or anything. Friday night we went to supper with mom and dad. We were supposed to go to the Relay for Life but we didn't. Zach insisted on spending the night with Hannie and Richard. I don't know if it was because he actually wanted to or if it was because Hunter was with them. Who knows??
Saturday morning I got up and was all alone!! Chris had to work and of course Zach was at Hannah's. I went and got breakfast and took it to Hannah's for everyone. Then we went to Walmart to get Tristan something for his birthday. We saw Chris' aunt and uncle and his uncle couldn't believe that Zach could talk so good. WHAT!??? He is 4 years old of course he can talk good. ha!

We went to Tristan's party after that. It was really hot outside. I can't believe how hot it was. The cake was really good. Zach embarrassed me because he got mad at Tyler for telling him that he couldn't help with opening the presents and he started screaming at me. So I took him around the corner and spanked him and then he yelled at me some more and said that I never let him do anything. Was it my fault that he couldn't open the presents? NO!! He just needed a nap. ha!

We were supposed to go watch Spiderman 3 with Hannah, Richard, and Hunter but we spent too much money in the grocery store and couldn't go. I also felt really drained by the end of the day because of the heat. So we went and got some steaks and Chris grilled them. They were awesome! Zach told me that he was going to ask Daddy for some money so that we could go to the movies and I told him not to ask Daddy for anything right now so that when we go on vacation we could have lots of money to go to the beach and to go watch a movie if he wanted. So then he started saying we were going to the beach. I told him we had a while before all that.

Sunday we stayed at home all day and then went to Bebe's house.

Not as exciting as previous weekends (flat tires and things) but exciting enough for us.

Until next time!!

Friday, May 4, 2007

oK I will stop!! I just love these things!!