For some reason lately I feel embarrassed a lot. I don't know why or what triggers it. I made sort of a fool of myself yesterday at mom's. I won't go into the details but I am an idiot!! I was crying about something and was embarrassed that I was crying....not really sure why I cried about it to begin with but it happened! I am sorry that I acted that way especially on Mother's Day of all days. I guess I just have a lot going on in this pea sized brain of mine. ha!ha!
Anyway!! I got mom the coolest purse!! I love it!! I told her that when she got tired of it I wanted to borrow it!! haha!! I hope she liked it too.
Zach is still acting bad. Talking back and not doing what he is told. I don't know what to do about it. I told him last night not to do something and he did it anyway and I spanked him one time. Well, two seconds later he was doing it again!! What??? So I spanked him twice and I guess that got his attention because he ran off crying. I hate spanking him but the time out in the corner isn't working. And apparently taking the TV away doesn't work either. I am going to try beating him!! haha!! KIDDING!!! :-)
He has decided that we are watching Shrek the Third when we go on vacation in June!!

Until next time!!
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