I am wanting to pull my hair out because I forgot to look for Zach a black shirt to take to school tomorrow!!!!!! ARGHHH!!! I have 2 people right now looking for one. :) If I end up with more than I need then so be it. I will at least have a shirt. haha!
I am still a little ill. Go figure! I don't know why I might be so ill but it may have to do with some people bugging me. (I wont name any names.)
Chris is supposed to be calling to see if he can go back to his old Over the Road job today. That is what he really wants to do so I hope that he can. And he will only be gone during the week instead of a month at a time. That will be good. Hopefully we won't fight a whole lot.

On a brighter note...Zach finally got his Power Ranger Operation Overdrive Costume!! He was mad because he wanted to be the Mercury Ranger instead of the Red Ranger but oh well he is happy just being a Power Ranger for now. :)
Someone found some old pics of my dad in my grandmother's house. He is the one on the right in this pic. He still looks pretty much the same. I think Zach looks like him. :)
Well Until Next Time......
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