Ever since I was little I have been an overweight child. My mom has been overweight as long as I can remember. All the pictures that I have seen of myself from the time I was in second grade and higher I was fat. I have been on many diets. Every time my mom would go on a diet I would be forced to do the same.
The first major diet that I went on was when I was 16 years old. It was called First Place. I wanted so bad to do good and make everyone (especially my boyfriend) proud of me for losing weight. We started it in August 1996. I couldn't eat sugar or any carbs. I was on it for like 6 months and I lost 30 pounds. My Mom lost 100lbs. I was jealous. I ate pretty much the same things that she did. I felt like a failure.
In January of the next year we started the same diet again. I didn't lose anything then. :0(
Off and on for the next 10 years I went on low fat diets and low calorie diets. My doctor put me on one a couple times but it didn't work. I thought that I was doomed to a life of being fat.
Two years ago I decided to start a workout routine at Health Actions that had just opened up. I stayed on it for 6 months and only lost 15 pounds. I was eating less and exercising more than I ever had in my entire life.
Since all of this I have gained to a very high weight that I am very ashamed of. I started a new diet in January of this year and so far I have gained 4 pounds from my starting weight. I don't know how that is possible but there you have it. I am still trying hard to lose the weight but it seems like my only option is getting help with surgery.
At the moment the only problems that I have caused by my weight are infertility (poly cystic ovarian syndrome), acid reflux, and osteoarthritis. Hopefully that will be all that I have before I get my weightloss surgery. I am determined to have this done and live a long and fruitful life.
:0) SLP
Monday, March 31, 2008
Diets, Diets, and more diets....
Lovingly created by oº°♥°ºSaMaNtHaº°♥°ºo at 7:15 PM 0 lovely comments
Back to work....
I came back to work today...it was going ok and then some man comes in mad because his account has been cutoff for nonpayment. It just kills me that people think that they can still continue charging if they don't pay!!
I am so ready to get this surgery done! I am praying that I am doing everything that the insurance company requires. We will see.
Chris is home. We had mom and dad and Hannah and Richard and Pop over for supper last night. It went good. No mishaps. hehe
Well not much exciting going on. Later!!
Lovingly created by oº°♥°ºSaMaNtHaº°♥°ºo at 10:56 AM 0 lovely comments
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Vacation is going good. Thankfully I have nothing to do. I have been sick since Friday. Sunday I started getting dizzy and feeling lightheaded and kinda drifted into Mom's car. It wasn't hurt or anything. It scared me her and Dad more than it hurt the car. Nothing happened to it. It embarrassed me. :0(
The diet is well....going....ok. I still haven't lost any weight. I feel like a failure most of the time. I hate myself. I am ready to get everything over with now. So that I can start being healthier. I am so scared that I am going to do something that makes the insurance company turn me down. I am bugging the people at the surgeon's office about stupid things.
I went to Walmart yesterday and got some diet pills called Nanoslim or something. Maybe that will help.
I am scared to walk because I don't want my knee to start hurting again.
:0( Mom says that she is worried that I won't be able to do the things after surgery that I have to do. i.e.:Eating little amounts. At the point that I am now and the way that my mind is I could care less if I never got to eat anything else as long as I am losing weight!! I am confident that I can do this. For the rest of my life I know that I will be taking vitamins and drinking water and eating smaller amounts than I am used to. But in my mind I am ready for this change. If I don't change it now, I fear that I may die at the state that I am now.
Trying to lose weight I have gained 6 in the past 3 months. Can you imagine how that makes me feel? I want to be a smaller person and not have my son be ashamed of me when he is older. I want him to be proud that I am his mom like he is now because he sees no faults in me.
OK enough with the pity party today!! :0) I am supposed to be enjoying my vacation not pissing on it!! :0)
Have a good week!!
Lovingly created by oº°♥°ºSaMaNtHaº°♥°ºo at 11:47 AM 0 lovely comments
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Another day...

Lovingly created by oº°♥°ºSaMaNtHaº°♥°ºo at 10:23 AM 0 lovely comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patricks Day!!
Lovingly created by oº°♥°ºSaMaNtHaº°♥°ºo at 10:28 AM 2 lovely comments
Monday, March 10, 2008

Lovingly created by oº°♥°ºSaMaNtHaº°♥°ºo at 1:19 PM 0 lovely comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
No more jumping....

Lovingly created by oº°♥°ºSaMaNtHaº°♥°ºo at 12:31 PM 0 lovely comments