Monday, December 15, 2008

A great weekend!!

Saturday me and my son went on a little trip all by ourselves!! We went to see Bolt and went shopping. (Spent WAY too much money!!) Then we went to watch Four Christmases....bad idea to let a 5 year old that still believes in Santa to watch because they told a kid on the movie that his dad was Santa...I was horrified!! Of course, a kid in his class had told him that his parents were Santa and he asked me about it and all I said was "If you don't believe, you don't receive!" And I told him that I still believe in Santa because I want stuff. It's kinda weird but I do still want to believe in him!! :0) Ok, I got totally off the subject...LOL Anyway, after we got finished and were on our way home he wanted to go to sleep in the car and before he did he said....Moma, Can we do this again tomorrow? It was so sweet...I wish we could do that all the time but my checkbook can't handle it. He pretty much got everything that he asked for and he LOVED it!!

Well here is one more picture that I wanted to let everyone see.... :)

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