I was feeling a little crazy today so I decided, (since I see everyone else do it on myspace...) that I was going to take pictures of myself...you know like from weird angles and stuff. ha! I look soooo retarded!! LOL But here they are....

Then I took a few more...just to try my hand at a little photography...they might look better in black and white...what you think? :0) I LOVE taking pictures!! I just don't always have willing subjects. :0) haha

I was trying to get all of Zach's birthday invites done. I can't believe.....
We are having him a small party here with cupcakes on his actual birthday and then one the next day with all his school friends. Who knows how many will actually show up!! But oh well...

He wanted a Bolt party so I have ordered all of the stuff and it came in yesterday. He is so super excited!! I also went ahead and gave him one of his gifts from me and Chris....and I put it up this morning...I was gonna put a pic on here but it seems like my email is running slow and I emailed it from my phone so I will go take another and post it tomorrow. :0)
Have a great day!!

6 lovely comments:
I love taking pictures too. The way I see it is that one day, I won't be here anymore & all those pictures that I took will mean something to someone else. Have fun planning lil' man's party. I'm sure he is gonna love it no matter how many kids show up. Birthday are always the best when we are kids. I share mine with my dad. We were usually in the middle of the woods camping at that time so no cake & ice cream. LOL!!! I loved it though. Those are some of my best memories!!!! Ah ha...and I have the pictures to prove it. (See taking pictures is important LOL!!!)
I know!! I think the same thing...I like looking back at pictures from so many years ago and seeing how people changed and what we were going through at the time!! It is awesome!! I just wish more people felt the same way...some of my friends and family get a little upset with me because I take too many pictures of them. LOL Oh well!! :0) We have had a birthday party for Zach every year except for last year. Chris wasn't going to be home on his birthday so we took him to Chuck E. Cheese's in January as a birthday surprise and he loved it!! I sometimes think that I do too much for his birthday because even if it's just family it's like a major event. Ya know?
Unless he says.."MOM...stop it. You are making too big a deal of my birthday!" Which I doubt he ever will. I say treasure it. That is how he knows you love him. He is a very lucky young man to have parents like you guys.
Thank you!!! Yeah that's probably not gonna happen until he's a teenager. I hope he isn't too rebellious!!! LOL
They're pretty good! And the photography things gets addictive after a while...before you know it, you will be taking pictures of random stuff and people will be looking at you like 'WTF?'...I get it all the time now. :-)
Yeah Zach always says...Why are you taking pictures of so much moma? LOL He loves to take pics too. It doesn't matter what it is he shoots at it. LOL
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