Zach didn't go to school today. I was awakened at 6:10 a.m. by him telling me that he had thrown up on the bed and in the sink. He was almost in tears...not from throwing up but thinking he was going to get in trouble because he didn't go to the toliet to throw up. I felt so bad for him. I told him that it was ok because he didn't mean to. He has a temp right now of almost 102. He doesn't understand why his skin is so hot. He keeps saying it's soooo hot Mama!! He has a stomach virus. I took him to the doctor this morning and he said that the only thing he could say that it was is that. Because he doesn't have the symptoms of the flu or anything. He keeps asking me if he is going to be able to go to school tomorrow. My baby LOVES school. :0)
We went yesterday to buy him some cleats and I paid $24.00 for them!! Turns out...we had the ones from last year that were the same size!! So I took them back today!! hehe

2 lovely comments:
Poor fella. I know how he feels. We kept passing that mess back & forth around here. If he has what we had, it will take a few days to clear out!! You better WATCH OUT...because you may be next!!
That's cool bout the cleats. That's $24 you can use on something else!! :)
I know girl!! I am dreading that happening!! UGH!! Hopefully I won't get it!! Keep your fingers crossed. LOL
Yeah I took the cleats back and walked right over to Catos and bought me some clothes. I know I'm awful!!
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