Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I don't know whether I am lonely from Chris not being home or what....I had the worst dream last night. Well it wasn't bad or scary or anything...just something that I shouldn't have been dreaming. I am not going to go into detail or anything about it. I just know that I am starting to miss Chris a whole lot. And apparently he has no service on his phone so I can't talk to him. :'(

Saturday I get to keep Trenton!! He is so cute and sweet!! I can't wait! I think Zach is going to be jealous though. We will see.

Zach went to the fire house yesterday in town. One of my friends went as a chaperone and she said that Zach was answering all the questions that the fireman asked. And he asked if they had ever had a fire alarm go off in their house and he raised his hand and the fireman said you had a fire alarm go off in your house and Zach said yeah my mom was cooking and she burnt something and it went off. HA! And then the fireman asked what you do when you are in a 2 story house and the fire alarm goes off and Zach raised his hand again and he said you, you, you....I don't know the answer to that one. She said it was so funny. And on his papers that he does everyday he had a smiley face on one of them and a note because he had written his name all by himself on the top of the page. :) I know I have a big head because my baby is being so good now!! I am sooooo proud of him!

Anyway, Chris should be coming home on the 3rd of October!! I am ready to see him again even though we just saw him last weekend. It just wasn't enough.

I am trying to get my Christmas list started. Well I have started it. I am doing pretty good I think. Santa needs to decide what else he is going to get Zach. It isn't as hard as it was last year. I guess because I am better organized!!

We went to eat supper with Hannah and Richard last night. Zach was acting horrible!! He kept climbing all over me and everything. He got a splinter in his foot one time and I had to hold him down while Hannah got it out. He screamed bloody murder!!

Well until next time.......

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