I am trying to get over what happened on Friday at work.....but it keeps popping back into my mind....partly because everyone is acting like it is my fault and partly because I can't believe that someone would do something like that....
I was sitting here talking to my sister about something....I can't remember now because the girl came in my office screaming at me!! All because I called her earlier to ask her about a ticket for a customer and she started screaming at me on the phone and wouldn't listen to what I had to say so I just hung up on her. She came in saying What the hell were you talking about on the phone? She didn't say I need to talk to you for a minute....just lit in on me. I told her to calm down and she wouldn't so I told her to get out of my office. I can't stand for someone to yell at me. My husband doesn't yell at me much less someone like her.
Well after she went to my boss and cried her sob story of course it is now my fault and I am the one that has the attitude. :P I guess he figures he can come over and scream and holler at me why not let anyone that wants to???!!?? Needless to say I am pissed and about ready to tell them they can have this crap. I don't get paid enough to sit here and be screamed at like a child.
Monday night we had a wedding to go to. I was supposed to just take pictures. Well turns out I had to plan the whole Blessed event in an hour. Some lady that was supposed to be doing everything saw that I was there with mom and asked me if I would "direct"! I said ok. Hey I can do that because all I have to do is tell them when to go in and everything. Well the bride decided she wanted songs in the middle of her wedding. One would have been fine....but she wanted 3!! Well, no I take that back she wanted 4. We had three cds that we were changing out because she wanted this exact song at this exact moment. Which would have been fine under normal circumstances because we would have planned it that way....but no she decided at like 30 minutes before hand that she wanted it that way. Then it was thrown in that someone was going to be her matron of honor...why I don't know because the girl didnt even hold the ring or her flowers for her during the ceremony!!
Back to the songs.....
She wanted "I loved her first by Heartland" to play before her daddy gave her away....then she wanted a song played after her hubby said his I do and a song after she said her I do and then another song played before they were prenounced man and wife!! The ceremony lasted about 40 minutes because of all the songs in it!! You could tell that the preacher was getting irritated around about the 2 song.
By the time everything was over with my back was about to kill me and I just wanted to go home and crawl in bed. We got home at 9:30!!

I think I wrote last week about Zach getting into a lot of trouble at school. Well the teacher never emailed me back and then I wrote her a note on Monday and she still didn't write me back or call me like she said she was going to. I don't know what to do. But I do know that since I said something he hasn't been getting into as much trouble. Were they just making an example of him??? I don't know. But at least for now things are better.

Well until next time!!
1 lovely comments:
God says: "Cast all your cares on ME" 1 Peter 5:7
God says: "All things are possible" Luke 18:27
God says: "I will supply all your needs". Philippinas 4:19
And, he does! It is our job to take our concerns and worries to him and he will supply all our needs.
God bless you and your family!
Love, Annette
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