Well it's official....
Chris is mad.
He was ok with me wanting to have the surgery yesterday and then today he is furious. He told me that he couldn't promise that he wouldn't be mad and I told him that he was just going to have to be mad because I am determined to have this done. I have prayed about it and I feel calmer about it. If it is God's will it will be done.
To blessed to be stressed!!!!
That should be my new moto. hehe
I guess Chris is upset because he thinks that I am going to leave him for someone else if I loose weight. I don't know. He should know by now that I love him and only him and would not leave him just because I loose weight. Just like I will not leave the friends that I have now for other friends when I loose weight. (:-) I will not mention the name of the person that said this.....hmmmm) haha I love the friends that I have now and if you aren't my friend now then I don't need you when I am not a fatty!! haha
Well more later..........

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