Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Yesterday was Mom's birthday...I forgot to mention it....so HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!!!! I love you!!

Now on to today's babbling.....

Yesterday Hannah, Zach and I walked and then we measured each other to see how many inches we lose. I was kind of in shock because I am not that much bigger than Hannah. I don't feel so badly now. I want to be her size. She doesn't believe me but I do. If I get down to her weight and size I will be extatic. I think I misspelled that. But anyway.

I had to leave my watch yesterday to have the battery replaced so I feel so naked without it. I am going at lunch today to pick it up hopefully.

Yesterday I ate at Subway for lunch. I had a 6 inch club on wheat and baked lays chips with sweet tea. I also drank 4-8oz glasses of water. I am trying to make it to 8-8oz. I am trying!!!!

For supper we had baked chicken tenders, baked beans, baked buttered potatoes and wheat bread. Zach almost threw up on me because I made him try the baked beans.

He threw up in the car this morning!! It was so sour!! YUCK!!

We made a box for him to put his valentines in on Thursday....here is a pic.....

This afternoon we are going to sign Zach up for Tball. This will be the first year that he has played. He is so excited!!

Well until next time....

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