Saturday, February 9, 2008

I lost weight!!!

Can you believe that??!!??!!

Although it was only 2 lbs but have you ever seen a pound of fat?? It is huge!! So 2 lbs is a great start. In my book anyway. I go back to Dr. Burroughs for my 2nd month weigh in on Valentine's Day. Dr. Avara told me that I need to lose 15 to 25 lbs before I have the surgery. I know that I can do it. :-) I am strong.


Hannah, Richard, Zach and I went to watch "Meet the Spartans" in Daphne last night. It was an awful movie. It was only 1 hour and maybe 10 minutes long. It was not something that I should have taken Zach to see. However, he laughed a couple of times at some funny stuff. I had to turn his head one time. He didn't want to but I made him.


I have fallen off of writing down what I eat everyday, therefore, I have eaten things that I shouldn't. I am still doing pretty good with the cokes though. I had a half of one last night. Me and Zach shared it and a Snicker candy bar. I knew in my head that I didn't need to be eating or drinking it but it was like something that I had to do. And then when I was done I felt horrible about myself. I have got to get better with that. I have started a list of sugar free things that I actually like the taste of....sugar free chocolate pudding being the first thing on the list and sugar free Kool Aid being another. After the surgery I can't eat sugar anymore because it causes some people to have bad reactions to it.

Continue to pray for me and my efforts!!


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