Chris had to go back to work today. He was not happy at all about this decision. He has only been home since Tuesday night. He wasn't supposed to go back until next Saturday. Instead of going back to the same boat that he was on though he is going to one in Mississippi, actually he had to get on it in Hammond, LA. I felt bad for him.
He thinks that he is forgotten when he leaves but he isn't. If he would read what I type on here he would know that I do miss him. He also thinks that I am cheating on him. Can you believe that? He thinks that someone wants me? HA! I can't even believe sometimes that he even wants me much less someone else. I am not good looking at all and I am fat. (SHH!! Don't tell anyone.)
Zach has a loose tooth. He keeps showing me how it will lean forward and back. It is kind of gross. HAHA He is going to look funny with a tooth missing. 

But they cost a I will probably end up with what I have or.....
of course I do like cars too....but I don't know how I would feel riding in a car lower to the ground than what I am in now......
More than likely I will stick with what I have....unfortunately!!
Well on the diet side of my life, things are going OK. I am trying not to snack in between meals. Still holding back on the soft drinks. Which is a huge step for me. I was drinking anywhere from 3 to 5 a day. Now I drink water or tea. :0) For that I am proud of myself. I hope that the next time I go back to the doctor which is the 15th of May I have not gained anymore weight. :0(
Well until next time!! SLP
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