Monday, May 26, 2008

No J.O.B.

Tomorrow is going to be a difficult day. I lost my job on Friday. The company laid off 4 of us. I was kind of expecting it but it was still quite a shock to have it done. I was maybe expecting a 2 or 4 week layoff but I had to clean out my office because I will probably not be going back. I had worked there for 7 years!! Well, it would have been in July. I am still not sure what I am going to do with myself. I know after Thursday Zach will be out of school for the summer but I have had a job my whole adult life. I am just at a loss. But it is what is best. God only puts you through what he knows that you can handle. And maybe things happened this way for a reason unknown to me. I will prevail!! ;0)

Pray for me!!

Until next time!! SLP

1 lovely comments:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there. My husband lost his job a couple of years ago, kind of the same way as you. He had to leave the same day.

It ended up being a blessing. He landed a better job than he ever had before and it brought us closer together as a family. Everything happens for a reason.
