Friday will not come soon enough for me this week!!
I know that the devil is trying to get me down, this week has been horrible....and today is no exception. I turned over this morning expecting my alarm clock to say 5:55 a.m. but instead it said 7:23 a.m.!!!
I jumped up hoping that my clock had been moved. It hadn't. The only thing that I can think is that when I turned Chris' alarm off I accidentally started to turn mine off and moved it to radio wake up and the radio is not on a station so there is just static that you can barely hear!! I got to work at 8:15 a.m. haha!
And to top all that off last night my "Aunt Flo" visited! I was devistated. And it was such a shock because it wasn't supposed to start until Monday. My cycle is not very predictable. It was 32 days long now it has decided to be normal and be 28 days long. Maybe the medicine that I am taking has made it get back to normal. Who knows? So now we start over with the counting....
Of course I will live on and just keep praying that God sees fit for me to have another baby and that Zach has a sibling. I keep thinking that maybe Zach isn't ready for us to have another baby because he doesn't like it when I hold another baby and he might get upset if we have another child. I try to figure out God's plan for me but I have to keep telling myself that only God knows why he does things and I shouldn't question Him. Things will be done in His time not mine.
Please pray for me. Pray that He will give me another child or that He will give me the strength to accept that I will never have another.
Until next time.....
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