This is my baby "Zachary". He hates it when I call him baby. He says, "I'm not a baby, I'm Zachary!" Sometimes I call him that just to bug him and he knows it too. He can be the sweetest at times and then at other times he can really make you want to pull your hair out. I guess all 4 year olds are like that though. When he was a baby he never wanted to lay down. He was 2 days old and picking up his head. He wanted to stand on his legs like he was walking all the time. And don't even think about putting him down. HA!! He would cry constently. I had to have him in my arms at all times. Cooking, cleaning, there was Zach on my hip. He loves to watch someone cook.
Zach is really picky about what he likes to eat. He will eat
hot dogs,
mac and cheese, or
spaghetti o's but not much else. Some nights when I am cooking supper he will ask what I am cooking and when I tell him he will say "What are you fixing me?". haha!! I have gotten to the point that I make him eat what we are eating. Hopefully he will try new things. Sometimes it doesn't work though.

Zach's daddy drives a big truck.
So he loves to see daddy when he comes home. He used to drive a truck over the road and Zach would always ask him what he was bringing him home. (Honey Bun, m&m's, etc.) And Chris would always have something for him. Now he drives a log truck and is home every night. Zach would always go outside to Chris' truck every week when it was time for him to go and get in the truck with him and Chris would let him "drive". He would turn the truck on so that Zach would feel like he was in control. haah!!
Monster Trucks
, and Jetix
(I think that is part of the Power Rangers thing) not sure what that is except I know it comes on the Disney Channel and he gets excited about it when it comes on. :)

Every day when we go home after work he knows that we go take a bath. Because at Ms. Molly's where he goes to school he gets dirty and he tells me everyday that Scotty put dirt in his hair. I think that half of the playground sand is in my bathroom everyday when he takes his shoes off. But he knows that on Friday's he doesn't have to go home and take a bath because we go out to eat with my mom and dad. He says "Is BeBe coming to pick us up to go eat?" It devistates him when I tell him no.
He will start to "Big School" in August. He is going to K4. He is excited. He calls it "Big School" because he calls Ms. Molly's school. When we took him to get registered last month the teacher took him to the classroom and then had to drag him back to the library because he didn't want to leave. He said that his mom could go to work and then come back and get him like she usually does. haha!! I know that I will "hopefully" have no problems when he starts there.
I don't want him to grow up so fast but sometimes he acts like he is older than just 4. He says some things that makes me wonder......When he is around other kids most of the time he would rather play by himself. I want him to play with the other kids but he wants to be alone. Who knows? He can't stand for grownups to be talking and not include him, whenever they get finished talking he makes up his own "story" to tell. It is pretty funny sometimes.
I don't want him to grow up so fast but sometimes he acts like he is older than just 4. He says some things that makes me wonder......When he is around other kids most of the time he would rather play by himself. I want him to play with the other kids but he wants to be alone. Who knows? He can't stand for grownups to be talking and not include him, whenever they get finished talking he makes up his own "story" to tell. It is pretty funny sometimes.
He has his moments when he wants to talk back....especially to his dad because Chris was over-the-road for about 2 years and I always got onto him if he did something wrong. So when Chris tells him not to do something he says "Moma, Daddy said .......!!" And I have to remind him that daddy is boss and he is not another child that he plays with. We have a "Naughty Corner" now....haha!! Been watching SuperNanny too much. But it seems to be working. The other night I told him that he needed to go to the corner because I told him no and he kept on screaming at me about the same thing. And when I told him to go he said cant i have one more chance please!! It was funny so I couldn't send him after I laughed at him.
Oh and thats another thing...if you ever laugh at him....he keeps on doing the same thing because he knows he is getting attention.

Well I guess that is enough about him because I will start missing him more than I already do.
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