My baby had to get some new glasses yesterday. A stronger prescription. The doctor said that if his eye doesn't straighten up with this pair we will have to do surgery next month. He said it is fairly simple and he will be out of school for 2 days. But he will always wear glasses because he is farsighted. I let him pick the new glasses out. He wanted a paid of red ones that looked like goggles. We steared clear of that pair. haha!! These are what he ended up with....

I apparently tired him out because on the way home he went to sleep. We went to Old Navy and to Staples and to Lens Crafters!! Oh and to McDonald's and he got a Shrek shake that was green and had M&m's in it.
We had a good day in all. He was excited about being out of school.
I had to tell the people at school this morning that he said that someone kept taking his glasses from him and one of them even threw them over the fence in the back!! I said these glasses cost too much for someone else to be messing with them. They said that they would handle it. HA!! We will see. Thank God he only has a few more weeks to be there.
Until next time......
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