Well last night I went to pick up Zach from Bible School....we were going home and I was asking him how his night went and glanced over at him and when I looked back at the road there was a dog lying there trying to get up before I killed him, but he didn't make it. The front and back tires ran him over. It was awful!! We turned around hoping that he just walked away but.......he didn't. It was sad. When I got home Chris saw that the fog light on the driver's side is busted out and my bumper is bent down a little!! I cannot believe that I ran over a DOG!! Lord please for give me!

I think I forgot to tell that our Princess had her pups!! 6 of them!! Well now we are down to 4. 2 have died, one because she stepped on him and the other because he somehow got under the dog house and I guess when she got in....well you get the picture.

We are all murderers in our family apparently. Dogs do not stand a chance around us!!
Well until next time.......

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