Monday, June 4, 2007

One Day Closer to Vacation!!

I am now 4 days away from my vacation!! I am soooo excited!!

Not that I am going anywhere spectacular or anything but I am going to be off work and not have to worry about the things that go on here. That is good!!

I found out Friday night that one of the girls that work at daycare quit. I knew that she hadn't been there....I asked her why and she said that it was because the head lady threw her against a wall and was searching her for her cell phone. WHAT@!!!???!!! She said that she pushed her off and said a few choice words and then told her that she quit. She said the woman is stupid! I am so glad that Zach only has 2 more months to stay there.

This morning when I dropped him off he went in all chipper and was telling this little boy named William something and the little boy said something I couldn't here that hurt Zach's feelings and on my way out the door they were fighting back and forth....Did too,,,,did not,,,,did too,,,,did not. I wanted to go back in and take him out. I don't like it that that happens to him. He does talk a lot though. haha!!

Thursday I have to take him to the doctor for his eyes. They aren't getting any better. I think the doctor is going to recommend surgery. But then again he might not. Who knows??

Well Until next time......

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