Ok...so you know TWILIGHT came out this weekend and YES I bought it!! LOL We watched it Saturday night. I'm not too sure if Hannah and Richard liked it as much as I do!! I am soooo ready for NEW MOON!! It is coming out in November...the 20th to be exact. Hannah picks at me because I am a little obsessed. I admit it.
Yesterday, we went to a baby shower for my cousin and his girlfriend. They are having a baby boy. She is kinda obsessed with camo!! The baby's whole nursery is camo. She even had a camo baby shower cake. Never seen one of those!! LOL I got to see my cousin, Cody's new baby girl. She was laughing and cooing at me and Cody took a picture. I thought it was the cutest thing!! I want a baby so badly!! UGH!! Hopefully the time will fly to August when we can start trying again. :0)
Zach has an ear infection again. He is getting too much water in his ear when he takes a bath and washes his hair. So for now we are going to take showers instead of baths until it gets better. He doesn't like that but...he has to.
I am soooo ready for our vacation to Tennesse in April!! I am ready for it to be now!! :))