Today I took Zach back to the doctor because he is still coughing and has a runny nose. She swabbed him for the flu and thank goodness he doesn't have the flu!! But he does have an ear infection. I knew that he probably did because he told me yesterday that his ear hurt but then he changed his story really quickly because last year when he had the ear infection he waited a long time to tell me that it was hurting and it got really bad and he had to have like 3 or 4 shots!! So of course now he associates ear infections with shots. UGH!!
Dr. Williams was listening to his chest to see if he had any breathing problems and she heard the heart murmur that he has. She kinda got freaked out but I told her that he had had it since he was 2 months old and his heart doctor said that he was fine now.
Anyway, hopefully we have everything straightened out now and he will start getting better!! :0)
1 lovely comments:
ugh...I hate ear infections. I have really sensitive ears & I get them all the time. Poor little fella. Hope he gets to feeling better soon!! Take him out for some icecream!! :0)
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