I know before I even say what I am going to say that there are lots of people out there that don't agree with people getting tattoo's but I have decided that I want one. :0) Of course, by the time I get to the place to get it done on Friday I may chicken out but the pic below is what I want it to look like. Except the initials will be a little different...they will be pink like the flags on the castle, they will be bigger and the P will be bigger than the S & L. :0) Does it look retarded?? I don't know...if I don't chicken out I will be sure to post a pic of it on here of what it looks like...I am thinking of putting it on the top of my foot. hehe We will see...

7 lovely comments:
I think tattoos are pretty but not for me. Mainly because there are NEEDLES involved in the process. I have designed some for folks before. There is a lady wearing one of my turtles RIGHT NOW!!! LOL. Chris really wants me to get one. He wants another one. I almost did it on our 10th. ann. but I chickened out!! :)
Yeah that's why I think I am going to chicken out!! Needles are a little scary for me. Hannah said it doesn't hurt for long. LOL She has two....Chris has one and wants to get another..and Richard has 2 I think. We will see!! :0)
Good luck with that...LOL!!! I had even designed mine & his for that matter. They were different but both represented our 10 yrs. together. Very pretty...but I just can't get other that whole NEEDLE thing!! :P
Maybe one day....LOL!!!
LOL Can you design me one?? :0) I am thinking about the princess castle because I feel more like a princess now...(I know corney right?) but I was also thinking about a butterfly because you know I have a better outlook on life now and I am coming out of my caccoon (msp) but not like a realistic one, like a cartoonish type one...am I making any sense? Can you do me a couple of different designs? :0) I would really appreciate it!!
I can...first I need to know what colors you want. Like really girly & bright or pastel.
I like the butterfly idea. Even though you are a princess. :0)
hehe Thank you!! I love pinks and anything girly lately!! :0)
oh browns too...like dark pink and chocolate brown. :0)
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