Today we went to town because we had to see what size baseball uniform that Zach needed. Well while we were eating at Old Mexico he decided that he needed to go ahead and get his fish that his Nana promised him for his birthday and didn't get him. We were supposed to wait til Monday so that Chris could go with us but he said that Daddy wouldn't mind because he would be surprised and he wanted to show him it when he got home. So Zach is now the proud Daddy of Mr. Fish Potter. LOL He named him. He wanted to name him Zach the second but I told him that we needed an original name for his pet. He is the funniest.
Last night we were going to the Monster Truck thing in Pensacola but we left town too late and didn't make it to Pensacola until 7:30 so we decided just to go to Sam's Fun City and a movie...We went to see Watchmen
...it wasn't the greatest movie in the world...it was 3 hours long!!! Of course, Zach wanted to see it because it had super heroes in it...well a lot of the movie was a blue man that walked around NAKED!!
It didn't seem to bother Zach much but everytime I thought they were going to show the man again I made him cover his eyes and to be safe I put my hands on his face too!! Not an age appropriate movie for a 6 year old.

2 lovely comments:
You are too cute. I'm glad he got his fish to show his daddy but my favorite part of your day is you covering his eyes. I know that was the right thing to do but I can just picture it in my head. TOO FUNNY!! I was 17 & still covered my eyes on some parts in movies. LOL!! My parents raised me well. My friends picked on me for it & said I had a "G" rated personality. I can't help it. I love disney movies & family films. This world can fill my brain with enough mess without adding it to my movies too. I prefer it that way!! LOL!!
I know I did the same thing!! My mom and dad always told me to cover my eyes...they wouldn't let me what anything Rated R until I was over 16. I felt so deprived!! I still to this day feel weird watching movies with my mom and dad that have things bad on them...I think I should still cover my eyes!! LOL
It was funny because one time I was covering his eyes and accidentally squished his nose and he started screaming in the theater that I hurt his nose!! There was a lot of people in there too...I was sooo embarrassed!! :0)
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