Monday, March 31, 2008

Diets, Diets, and more diets....

Ever since I was little I have been an overweight child. My mom has been overweight as long as I can remember. All the pictures that I have seen of myself from the time I was in second grade and higher I was fat. I have been on many diets. Every time my mom would go on a diet I would be forced to do the same.

The first major diet that I went on was when I was 16 years old. It was called First Place. I wanted so bad to do good and make everyone (especially my boyfriend) proud of me for losing weight. We started it in August 1996. I couldn't eat sugar or any carbs. I was on it for like 6 months and I lost 30 pounds. My Mom lost 100lbs. I was jealous. I ate pretty much the same things that she did. I felt like a failure.

In January of the next year we started the same diet again. I didn't lose anything then. :0(

Off and on for the next 10 years I went on low fat diets and low calorie diets. My doctor put me on one a couple times but it didn't work. I thought that I was doomed to a life of being fat.

Two years ago I decided to start a workout routine at Health Actions that had just opened up. I stayed on it for 6 months and only lost 15 pounds. I was eating less and exercising more than I ever had in my entire life.

Since all of this I have gained to a very high weight that I am very ashamed of. I started a new diet in January of this year and so far I have gained 4 pounds from my starting weight. I don't know how that is possible but there you have it. I am still trying hard to lose the weight but it seems like my only option is getting help with surgery.

At the moment the only problems that I have caused by my weight are infertility (poly cystic ovarian syndrome), acid reflux, and osteoarthritis. Hopefully that will be all that I have before I get my weightloss surgery. I am determined to have this done and live a long and fruitful life.

:0) SLP

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