Thursday, June 28, 2007


Well last night I went to pick up Zach from Bible School....we were going home and I was asking him how his night went and glanced over at him and when I looked back at the road there was a dog lying there trying to get up before I killed him, but he didn't make it. The front and back tires ran him over. It was awful!! We turned around hoping that he just walked away but.......he didn't. It was sad. When I got home Chris saw that the fog light on the driver's side is busted out and my bumper is bent down a little!! I cannot believe that I ran over a DOG!! Lord please for give me!

I think I forgot to tell that our Princess had her pups!! 6 of them!! Well now we are down to 4. 2 have died, one because she stepped on him and the other because he somehow got under the dog house and I guess when she got in....well you get the picture.

We are all murderers in our family apparently. Dogs do not stand a chance around us!!

Well until next time.......

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Police once more....

Well the county sheriff showed up again last night. This time Chris had to take the truck to my Dad's house! He is not happy. Apparently the neighbors called the sherriff's department again after Chris stopped parking in the other spot because of their fence. I really don't understand what we have done to them. We may never know.
Zach is going to Bible School this week! He is so excited. He loves it. One of the ladies at the church told me last night that he is really smart. I am glad that he is smart. Makes me feel good!! haha!


Not too much going on lately. That may or may not be a good thing.

Until next time........

Monday, June 25, 2007

Fun Weekend!!

Well the weekend was fun. Saturday morning Zach and I cleaned the house for the spa party that I had. (Not so fun cleaning!) Only a few people showed up for the spa party. Hannah, Richard and Melinda. Then Moma and Aunt Betty showed up at 3:30 or so. I did get some free stuff though!! YEAH!! haha!!

Saturday night me, Hannah, Chris, Richard and Zach went to watch a movie and eat at Jalisco's. (I think I am spelling that right.) Here are the pics......

This is the movie that we went to see!!

Thursday, June 21, 2007


I now officially have a MySpace page....haha!! ( I wanted to see what everyone is always talking about. I had put my blog address on it but then I decided that I didn't need to do that. ha! I am not sure how many people I actually want reading the stuff that I feel or think. hmmm....

Anyway, we went to see Wendy's baby last night....he is sooooo cute!! We are going to take them supper tonight. Hannah took them something last night. Aren't we sweet? :-)

Well No more thoughts today....Until next time....

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Our stupid a-hole of a neighbor has done something stupid again.

Yesterday when Chris left at 5:00 a.m. to go to work he put up a fence, no not a fence, a corner of a fence....see here it is...when I got in the car at 7:00 a.m. it was up....

It is not exactly the nicest looking thing in the world and it kind of restricts Chris from backing into the spot that the sheriff's department people told him to start parking in. He had to go over a little onto their property and they got upset about it. It is stupid. Thus is our little life in Lower Alabama. We are surrounded by stupidity. ha!
I am having my very own little spa party Saturday. Of course, no one has told me that they are coming yet. So it may be just me, mom, han, and dee's mom and aunt. Who knows? I guess no one wants to have their feet be nice and soft. haha!
It FINALLY rained quite a bit yesterday. We needed it. But now our flower pots have dirt all around the outside that splashed up on them making them look horrible. We also need to get the green junk off the side of the house. But I am not sure when that will happen.
Well I guess that is all that is going on in my world right now....nothing exciting except the neighbor guy getting up really early to put up a fence. haha
Until next time.....

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Back to work....

Work~~~I wish there was no such thing. Well I guess if I sat at home all the time I would get bored and more depressed than I already am. Because, yes I am depressed.....I am beginning to hate myself again. It doesn't help that my son keeps telling me that I am I wasn't aware. I know he is only a child and he loves me no matter what but it still hurts. I have tried to lose weight and it just doesn't happen. I have been considering lately that I should have that surgery to help me loose weight. Hmmmmm.....just a thought though. I know I probably won't. I will forever be "The Fat Girl". :-P This is my life.....I don't deny that. I either have to do something about it or suck it up and deal with it. :-) And move on......

Enough self pity for one day......Until next time.....

Monday, June 18, 2007

Last entry about the vacation....

Well, On Monday we didn't do much of anything. We cleaned up, Zach was so proud of himself. Because he helped Moma.

Tuesday we went to Mobile and went shopping....and of course I spent tooo much money. haha!!

Wednesday we went to the beach....I put on sunscreen for everyone but myself so I looked like a lobster and I felt like I had the flu. My bones even ached. So from then on I felt horrible.

But all in all it was a great vacation!! I can't wait for my next week. haha!! :-)


This morning when I went to get in the car I noticed that our neighbor has put up a fence to obstruct Chris from getting to where he is supposed to park his truck. This guy is about to get on my nerves!!

Not too much we can do about it though!!

Until next time!!.....

Oh one more thing....
Wendy had her baby!! He weighed 6 lbs 12 oz and was 20 inches long. He is soooo cute. I saw the pics that her mom had this morning. :-) Cute baby!!

Our Vacation pics!!

On the dolphin cruise!!
Getting ready to go on the beach!!
In the hotel jumping from bed to bed and almost falling off.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Vacation is Ending!!

Well my vacation officially ends today.... :'-( Shed a tear for me. I will post more tomorrow about all that we did and the pics that we took.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Well, My Vacation has officially started!! YEAH!! Saturday we went to a spa party....check my made up face out....along with Dee (the Hostess and my friend!!)

Today we went to the river and then to Eureka Landing. It was fun!!

I will post more pics next week from vacation!!

Until next time......

Friday, June 8, 2007


My baby had to get some new glasses yesterday. A stronger prescription. The doctor said that if his eye doesn't straighten up with this pair we will have to do surgery next month. He said it is fairly simple and he will be out of school for 2 days. But he will always wear glasses because he is farsighted. I let him pick the new glasses out. He wanted a paid of red ones that looked like goggles. We steared clear of that pair. haha!! These are what he ended up with....

I apparently tired him out because on the way home he went to sleep. We went to Old Navy and to Staples and to Lens Crafters!! Oh and to McDonald's and he got a Shrek shake that was green and had M&m's in it.

We had a good day in all. He was excited about being out of school.

I had to tell the people at school this morning that he said that someone kept taking his glasses from him and one of them even threw them over the fence in the back!! I said these glasses cost too much for someone else to be messing with them. They said that they would handle it. HA!! We will see. Thank God he only has a few more weeks to be there.

Until next time......

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Dad's Birthday

Yesterday was dad's birthday....I'm not sure if I mentioned that or not.

Anyway, I cooked supper for him. We had cubed steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, turnips, and cresent rolls that looked like cinnamon roll swirls. :) He liked it. (I hope.) He didn't complain about it. I didn't know what to get him so I haven't gotten him anything yet. I will have to get him a BIG Father's Day gift. I couldn't believe that he came to the house. Mom went to see Aunt Betty so I was just going to make him a plate and take it to him but he decided that he would come over. I was excited. :-)

He and Zach played ball for a while. Chris had to go to a meeting at work that lasted only 45 minutes. He was ill because of it and because we won't be getting our insurance until July 1st instead of June 1st. I don't know why that is. Unless they are saying we have preexisting conditions. Who knows? I have to cancel my appointment for next week because we can't afford me and Zach going to the doctor without insurance. At least I have Alfac insurance for Dental and Vision and that is the two Zach is going to.

Well more later....Until next time.....

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I sold some of Zach's clothes on EBAY last week. I thought I was doing good. I got $22.00 out of it plus $8.00 for shipping. Well I went to the Post Office at lunch to send it and it cost me $16.17!! WHAT!!??!!? I said are you kidding? And she said everything has gone up. The Priority mail is $26.00!! WOW!! Of course the girl may or may not get them quickly but....I'm sorry.

I have to go by myself to take Zach to the eye doctor on Thursday. Mom has gone to Aunt Betty's. This will be the first time in Zach's life that I have not had someone to go with me to take him to the doctor out of town. It is going to be a weird experience. haha!!

Well sorry so short today....not much going on....thank God!! Until next time......

Monday, June 4, 2007

One Day Closer to Vacation!!

I am now 4 days away from my vacation!! I am soooo excited!!

Not that I am going anywhere spectacular or anything but I am going to be off work and not have to worry about the things that go on here. That is good!!

I found out Friday night that one of the girls that work at daycare quit. I knew that she hadn't been there....I asked her why and she said that it was because the head lady threw her against a wall and was searching her for her cell phone. WHAT@!!!???!!! She said that she pushed her off and said a few choice words and then told her that she quit. She said the woman is stupid! I am so glad that Zach only has 2 more months to stay there.

This morning when I dropped him off he went in all chipper and was telling this little boy named William something and the little boy said something I couldn't here that hurt Zach's feelings and on my way out the door they were fighting back and forth....Did too,,,,did not,,,,did too,,,,did not. I wanted to go back in and take him out. I don't like it that that happens to him. He does talk a lot though. haha!!

Thursday I have to take him to the doctor for his eyes. They aren't getting any better. I think the doctor is going to recommend surgery. But then again he might not. Who knows??

Well Until next time......

Sunday, June 3, 2007

The Weekend must End..... :-(

So well the weekend is ending today.....not much going on. I am at Mom's right now. They are gone to town. :-(

Yesterday we were supposed to go watch a movie and go out of town. Well we didn't make it. Chris had to work and didn't get home until after 1 and I went to Wendy's baby shower. She got a lot of nice things. (Not bragging but I got her a diaper bag with the baby's name on it!!) :-) I am going for best gift here!! :-) haha!! Just kidding!!

There was two pregnant women and two new babies less than 1 month old there. Of course on the inside I am dying a very horrible death seeing all this. But I keep a brave face on. I wanted to hold one of the babies but I was scared to. One because I wasn't sure that the mom wanted me to and two because I thought I would probably do something wrong to piss one of them off. haha!! My baby I can do anything I want to with, but someone else's I am scared I am going to break it.

Just 4 more months until I get to keep Wendy's baby!! He will be 3 months old when I get to keep him! They are going to a football game and I told her that I would keep him!! I am sooooo excited! Can you tell? I am sooo is going to be a fun thing to see what Zach thinks of him. He keeps saying that we need to get one of those babies.


Zach told me Friday that someone at school was pissing him off.....WHAT!!??!!!? I said don't say anything like that ever again. It was funny at the time. :-)


I just got this book in the mail Friday and I finished it last night.....It was soooo good. It is based on a true story. And now of course I am going to try to sell it on EBAY!! If anyone is interested. haha!!

Well until next are a few pics of Zach when he was little. :-)

Friday, June 1, 2007

New Favorite Song

Amy Winehouse-Rehab

if you would like to know what it sounds like....if you have never heard it. :-)

It's Friday!!! I am sooooo glad that this week is over. I know that next week will creep by because it is the last week before my vacation. Maybe it will fly by though. My boss is going on vacation next week so....... :-)

Have a good weekend!!!