Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas is over....

Well Christmas is's sad but I'm glad it is because I am flat broke!!! It's awful!! I have no money!!

Chris is leaving again on Sunday. I really don't want him to but I know if he doesn't we will have no money....

Here are a few pics that we took at Christmas......

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas is coming!!

Well just to let everyone birthday is next Friday!! :) Not that it is going to be a special day. Chris comes home on the 19th!! I am so happy. We haven't seen him since the 27th of November!! I miss him and I know that Zach does because he says that we have to leave the front light on every night for daddy to see when he gets home. So funny....and sweet. I have finally gotten my Christmas shopping done! I have to figure out what I am going to get the ladies at the office though. I was gonna give them cute little penguin keychains but I found out yesterday that Zach's Christmas party is with both K4 classes not just his so I will look crazy not having everyone a gift. Or maybe not. Who knows? I had to buy some grapes and some cookies for him to take to school. They are making fruit baskets for someone at school. Do you know how much grapes cost????? OMG!!!

Well if I don't post anymore before Christmas.......

Merry Christmas
Comment Graphics at

Friday, November 23, 2007

After Thanksgiving.....

Well yesterday went fairly well. We went to Chris' grandmother's for lunch and stayed there for a couple of hours. They put up her Christmas decorations. I feel so sorry for her. She just sat there looking sad. (She lives in a nursing home now and doesn't get to come home that often.)

Later we went to my moms. She had the BEST dinner ever!! It was awesome. We had fried turkey, potato soup, chicken and dumplings, chicken and dressing, collards, pasta salad, mac and cheese, peas, and rolls....I think that's all and then for dessert we had red velvet cake, pecan pie, coconut pie and some kind of sweet potatoe casserole. Awesome!!

We were supposed to go to Mobile today to fight the crowds and Christmas shop but Chris said that I couldn't go because we didn't have enough money. Imagine that????!!!!??

So instead I will be putting up my Christmas tree today. :) That is going to be fun anyway!!

Well more later!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!

:) HaPpY tHaNkSgIvInG!!

I know it's early but if you will notice it's been a while since I posted anything. :) Just want to cover my bases. hehe

Well, Chris is home till Friday. He got me a new TV for Christmas (yeah I know it's early), it is a 42" flat screen. We also had to get a new thing to put it on because it wouldn't fit on my old entertainment center. And of course I can't have it till Christmas so that's kind of sucky should be in tomorrow.

Zach was sick yesterday. I think he just had some drainage problems but he threw up and of course according to them he had a stomach virus. He did fine the rest of the day though.

Well sorry so short. I am having a bad day. More later.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

My Boy....

Well all I can say is boys will be boys....I sent my son in the bathroom last night to get a bath...little did I know that he was going to "grow a mustache" while he was in there. (At least that is what he called it.) I am sitting at the computer and I look in the bathroom and he something dark around his mouth. I told him to wash it off and he tells me that it won't come off!! Can you guess what he did?

Here is a pic:

He had a top off of his Spongebob Shave lotion and was sucking on it!! So it made all the blood come to the surface like a HICKEY!! Can you believe that? Ha! I had to write the teacher a note this morning to tell her what was going on so that she wouldn't think that I had beat him. The pictures really don't do it justice because it looks a lot worse in real life.

A day in the life of me.....go figure....until next time.....

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

New Person...

I am trying to be a new person and do the right things. I have started going to church again. I don't tell many people because I don't want a pat on the back for doing what I should have been doing all along. I feel like I should go because my heart leads me to go. I want my baby to know that God is awesome and that without him we are nothing!!

I, of course, do not believe that I am perfect, because by all means I am not. I cuss, I admit I talk about people, but I am trying to get better with all of this. I came into work this morning praying that God is with me and that my day will go by fast and easy. :) Will it happen? I don't know but if I have faith I am sure that it will.

Chris went back to work yesterday. He will be gone until about the 6th of November. :( Me and Han are going SHOPPING this weekend!! And of course Zach will be with us. :) We need to get Zach some winter/fall clothes. He has none that fit him from last year. He is getting to be a big boy now.

They made the cutest shirt with the black shirt that I was looking for last week. They put their foot in paint and then he stepped on it and it looks like a ghost with googly eyes that says boo out beside it. So cute. I will take a picture of him Friday when he wears it to school.

Well More later!!

Friday, October 12, 2007

No Title today.....

Well things cannot get any better!! :) I am, of course, being sarcastic because things are not getting that much better. But I thank God that I have my life and my babies life and my hubbies life and we are breathing!! That said I will continue with my story.

I found out yesterday that the Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket across the street has been telling my boss to Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket (fire me)!! She has no business sticking her nose in where it doesn't belong. She just doesn't like me because I don't do what she tells me to. ha!

Zach got his star taken down yesterday. He said he "tried" not to. He was doing what JaQuan did. But JaQuan didn't get his star taken down. Go figure.

It is FRIDAY!!! I am so glad. At least this week has ended almost. Well have a good day!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Life is HARD!!

Why is life so hard?

I don't understand why it has to be so it because I make it hard, is it because I don't go to church like I should?, or maybe just because it's all in my mind. (I am rambling I know...)

I finally got a Black shirt for Zach yesterday. One of my friends moms was in Mobile and she went and found one!! THANK GOD!! :)

Well Chris found out that he can't go back to work at his old job like he thought.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I feel bad for him but he is so angry that he doesn't listen to me. He doesn't want to go back on the boat and I don't blame him. But we can't make it on $9.00 an hour. Not with all the bills that we have. I don't know what to tell him. I wish I did. and wish I could make it all better. But all we are doing right now is fighting because he thinks that I don't want him home. :(

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

On a brighter note it is Wednesday and the middle of the week!!!!

Well until next time....Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I am wanting to pull my hair out because I forgot to look for Zach a black shirt to take to school tomorrow!!!!!! ARGHHH!!! I have 2 people right now looking for one. :) If I end up with more than I need then so be it. I will at least have a shirt. haha!

I am still a little ill. Go figure! I don't know why I might be so ill but it may have to do with some people bugging me. (I wont name any names.)

Chris is supposed to be calling to see if he can go back to his old Over the Road job today. That is what he really wants to do so I hope that he can. And he will only be gone during the week instead of a month at a time. That will be good. Hopefully we won't fight a whole lot.

On a brighter note...Zach finally got his Power Ranger Operation Overdrive Costume!! He was mad because he wanted to be the Mercury Ranger instead of the Red Ranger but oh well he is happy just being a Power Ranger for now. :)

Someone found some old pics of my dad in my grandmother's house. He is the one on the right in this pic. He still looks pretty much the same. I think Zach looks like him. :)

Well Until Next Time......

Friday, October 5, 2007

Am I ill or what????

I must be ill. Everything seems to tick me off. I guess having the bad week and all I am on edge. I have been snappy at Chris. It seems like he doesn't want to be at home...or in my mind anyway. I hate all the acuzations (did I spell that right?) from him that I am cheating on him. I mean come on....look at me...who else would want me??? And even if they did I wouldn't do that to him. I am MARRIED to him!! If I wanted someone else I would divorce him. But I love him and I don't want anyone else. There I said it. :)

I am soooo glad that today is Friday. This week could not end soon enough. I have an interview with that company today. I am scared but I guess it is ok that I just go to see what they have to offer. You know? Maybe I am a little scared because I think someone from here is going to find out and get mad. Who knows?

I wanted to go to BayFest this weekend to see Daughtry but I don't know. I may change my mind. At the rate that me and Chris are going we are going to be on nonspeaking terms by then. We are fighting quite a bit since he came home and even before then because he is not wanting to go back on the tug boat.

Well until next time.......

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Rough week....

Well my week has sucked. Starting with Monday. I got yelled at, of course, by my boss for something that I can't control. Tuesday my bank account overdrew....I don't know what could happen today. Who knows??

Anyway back to the suckiness. (is that even a word??) Monday I thought I was going to get fired. Some store had a big problem with their gallons of off road diesel. Well there was a note on the report saying that they had called here to get a tech to come out and check it out. I figured ok they called and the boss knows about it. Whether he did or not he wasn't about to admit it he was just yelling at me....


"no sir"


I don't know"


"I don't know."




So I'm thinking when she calls him back I am canned. But I don't think she ever called him back. I tried to call him yesterday to tell him that the off road diesel pump was letting people get the stuff even if it wasn't turned on inside the store. But of course he wasn't there and I couldn't talk to him. Hence the reason I hate calling over there!

Yesterday I got a job offer from another company. I sent in my resume this morning but I am terrified of change!! I don't want to change jobs even though here I seem to get yelled at and everything under the sun. :P Change scares me and my heart is about to beat out of my chest because I don't know these other people. You know? I know one thing though. I am not going to go if the pay is not at least $1.00 or $2.00 more than what I am making now. I am not going down in pay.

I don't know what to do. ????? I think that is the reason I don't want Chris changing jobs because I am SCARED of change. hmmmm...need to tell him that.

I should have told mom about the job so that she could apply too. hmmmmm, I will probably call her in a few.

Anyway, on a brighter note, my baby is coming home today!! Or at least he is supposed to. He may not get to until Friday though. :( We will see.

I'm going backwards....but....I got to keep Trenton Saturday!! He is sooooo cute!!

Well I guess that is enough pity for one day....I will update and let you know if Chris is really coming home!!

Oh one other thing!! Zach got to bring home the class pet Friday!! I was so excited for him. It is a great accomplishment considering the way he acted at the beginning of school. Here is a pic.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Field Trip

First off, I just want to say that the next time Zach's class has a field trip, unless they are riding a bus, car, or something, I will not be going. ha! I went today on their field trip to the bank. The humidity is so high outside I thought I was melting. And I couldn't go home to take a shower before coming back to work. :( So I feel like I don't smell the greatest!! haha!! Zach, of course, was so excited that I was going with him. He wanted to hold my hand the whole time. Usually I have to force him to hold my hand when we go somewhere. I was so proud. Needless to say I looked like a drowned rat and will probably be in the newspaper next week! OH JOY!!

Until next time.....

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I don't know whether I am lonely from Chris not being home or what....I had the worst dream last night. Well it wasn't bad or scary or anything...just something that I shouldn't have been dreaming. I am not going to go into detail or anything about it. I just know that I am starting to miss Chris a whole lot. And apparently he has no service on his phone so I can't talk to him. :'(

Saturday I get to keep Trenton!! He is so cute and sweet!! I can't wait! I think Zach is going to be jealous though. We will see.

Zach went to the fire house yesterday in town. One of my friends went as a chaperone and she said that Zach was answering all the questions that the fireman asked. And he asked if they had ever had a fire alarm go off in their house and he raised his hand and the fireman said you had a fire alarm go off in your house and Zach said yeah my mom was cooking and she burnt something and it went off. HA! And then the fireman asked what you do when you are in a 2 story house and the fire alarm goes off and Zach raised his hand again and he said you, you, you....I don't know the answer to that one. She said it was so funny. And on his papers that he does everyday he had a smiley face on one of them and a note because he had written his name all by himself on the top of the page. :) I know I have a big head because my baby is being so good now!! I am sooooo proud of him!

Anyway, Chris should be coming home on the 3rd of October!! I am ready to see him again even though we just saw him last weekend. It just wasn't enough.

I am trying to get my Christmas list started. Well I have started it. I am doing pretty good I think. Santa needs to decide what else he is going to get Zach. It isn't as hard as it was last year. I guess because I am better organized!!

We went to eat supper with Hannah and Richard last night. Zach was acting horrible!! He kept climbing all over me and everything. He got a splinter in his foot one time and I had to hold him down while Hannah got it out. He screamed bloody murder!!

Well until next time.......

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What the....?

I am trying to get over what happened on Friday at work.....but it keeps popping back into my mind....partly because everyone is acting like it is my fault and partly because I can't believe that someone would do something like that....

I was sitting here talking to my sister about something....I can't remember now because the girl came in my office screaming at me!! All because I called her earlier to ask her about a ticket for a customer and she started screaming at me on the phone and wouldn't listen to what I had to say so I just hung up on her. She came in saying What the hell were you talking about on the phone? She didn't say I need to talk to you for a minute....just lit in on me. I told her to calm down and she wouldn't so I told her to get out of my office. I can't stand for someone to yell at me. My husband doesn't yell at me much less someone like her.

Well after she went to my boss and cried her sob story of course it is now my fault and I am the one that has the attitude. :P I guess he figures he can come over and scream and holler at me why not let anyone that wants to???!!?? Needless to say I am pissed and about ready to tell them they can have this crap. I don't get paid enough to sit here and be screamed at like a child.


Monday night we had a wedding to go to. I was supposed to just take pictures. Well turns out I had to plan the whole Blessed event in an hour. Some lady that was supposed to be doing everything saw that I was there with mom and asked me if I would "direct"! I said ok. Hey I can do that because all I have to do is tell them when to go in and everything. Well the bride decided she wanted songs in the middle of her wedding. One would have been fine....but she wanted 3!! Well, no I take that back she wanted 4. We had three cds that we were changing out because she wanted this exact song at this exact moment. Which would have been fine under normal circumstances because we would have planned it that way....but no she decided at like 30 minutes before hand that she wanted it that way. Then it was thrown in that someone was going to be her matron of honor...why I don't know because the girl didnt even hold the ring or her flowers for her during the ceremony!!

Back to the songs.....

She wanted "I loved her first by Heartland" to play before her daddy gave her away....then she wanted a song played after her hubby said his I do and a song after she said her I do and then another song played before they were prenounced man and wife!! The ceremony lasted about 40 minutes because of all the songs in it!! You could tell that the preacher was getting irritated around about the 2 song.

By the time everything was over with my back was about to kill me and I just wanted to go home and crawl in bed. We got home at 9:30!!


I think I wrote last week about Zach getting into a lot of trouble at school. Well the teacher never emailed me back and then I wrote her a note on Monday and she still didn't write me back or call me like she said she was going to. I don't know what to do. But I do know that since I said something he hasn't been getting into as much trouble. Were they just making an example of him??? I don't know. But at least for now things are better.


Well until next time!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Zach.....and other stuff....

Zach is having a hard time at school. He has gotten his star taken down AGAIN!! I don't know what I am going to do. He won't tell me what he is doing wrong. I told him that he needed to just do what the teacher told him to do or not to do....whatever the case may be. I am at my whits end. I asked him who else's star was taken down and he said no ones my is the only one!! I don't know if he is just wanting attention or what is going on!!!! I just want to scream because I know that my baby is good and he can do good. He just lets other people influence him.


I am about ready to kick UPS' butt. We (Amber and I) shipped some running boards to this guy in Canada in July. Well when he got them they were damaged and the box was torn up. UPS said they were sorry and that they would cover the damage. Well it has been almost 2 months and they have only given me not even half of the money that I was supposed to get to cover the boards. Of course the guy is wanting his money back. Who wouldn't? I am just fed up with them.


I am kinda scared that my job is not going to be around much longer. Of course it would be nice not to have to go to work everyday but I would probably get bored because Zach is in school now. Things just don't look good!! I keep hearing rumors because for some reason our bosses won't tell us anything to ease our minds. ~~I have an amount of money that I have taken out of my check everytime we get paid that goes into a credit union and I looked today to see how much I had in there and they haven't put it in for the last two times that we have gotten paid!!! How crappy is that? What if I really needed that money? And next week will be another week that probably won't get put in!! I am upset about that too.


This weekend I will pretty much be all alone....well not all alone but Hannah and Richard are going out of town to eat supper tomorrow night....(and don't get me wrong I totally understand that they need their alone time as a married couple) and then Saturday night Zach wants to spend the night with mom and Hannah and Richard are going to be watching the Alabama game. :( I always wanted to be alone sometimes but now that I am going to be I am not sure if I can handle it. :( I will probably cry the whole time. I can't stand it. We will see. I may not let Zach go to moms.....1 because I don't really want to be alone and 2 because he can't be good at school to keep his star up.


I think that Chris has decided that he is going to work two jobs. One the job that he is doing now....being gone for 23 days on the tug boat and then on his 10 days off work for another company driving a truck. Don't get me wrong I like that we will have extra money but I WANT TO SEE HIM!!! If he does the truck thing we will pretty much never see him!! Not that we see him very much now. And yes when he was at home this last time he got on my nerves a little because, let's face it I was without him for 25 days and not used to someone talking to me when I wanted to do something. Yes I do LOVE him with ALL my heart and no I don't want to loose him! So I don't want anyone that reads this to think that I don't love my husband anymore because I do!!! I want him home now....but that isn't going to happen. I am rambling....I know....I need to stop!!!


We are supposed to have a yard sale Saturday morning but I don't think we will because of the rain that is supposed to come in Friday night....early Saturday morning from Hurricane Humberto....what kind of name is that? I have never heard of anyone named that.


Well I better stop typing about all my crap.....Until next time!!!!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Off to work again!!

Well Chris goes back to work Monday....I am sad. :( I wish there were good jobs around here for him but there isn't right now. Who knows he may like it better this time. I think that once he is on his own and not with a trainer anymore it will get better.

Zach is in a terrible mood lately. I don't like his new attitude. It sucks! I think it is because Nana treats him like a baby. At least that is what he said. He doesn't want to go to her house anymore because she treats him like that. :( Poor thing. When he was younger she treated him like he was older and now that he can do things for himself she doesn't like it!! I know it is my fault that all this is going on because it was my idea to let her keep him every afternoon but I thought it would be a good thing. I didn't know that Zach really didn't like her....hmmmm....

We are supposed to be going to Pensacola tomorrow to go to a movie but there isn't really any kid movies playing right now. Zach wants to see The Simpson Movie but I think that might be a little too much for him.

Well until next time.....

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Chris Home!!

Well, Chris is FINALLY home!! He got home Thursday night at about 7:30!! I was sooooooo glad to see him. And so was Zach. 25 days is a long time not to see your love!

I think he has decided to go back. At least until Christmas. And then take off a couple of weeks to be here at then and then he will go back to doing something. I am sure that he won't do that unless we have enough money saved up or he has a new job. :)

Well not much to type today. Until next time.....

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.....

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder...." I hope that is true. So it's been 17 days since I have seen my man. I am missing him lots. I am worried about all the bills and stuff we have piling up from nonpayment....I just know they are going to cut off or come repo something....they don't do that the first they? I hate for Chris to be away but I am scared that we are not going to have enough money for everything that we need. I want him to be HOME with me and Zach....not on a boat with a smelly old man that won't take a bath. (that's an entirely different story) On a brighter note I get paid tomorrow and he gets his first pay check Friday!!! YAHOO!! (Praying that it is a big one!!)

Zach has started school. He is loving it!! At least sometimes he acts like he is. He won't tell me anything that goes on except that he has two girlfriends and one of them smacks her food. haha I had to go get him from school yesterday because he told me that he didn't love me anymore because I work too much and I don't pick him up. Which I know that going to a new school, having your Nana that you didn't really see that much pick you up, and having your daddy be gone for a while is a little much for a 4 year old to handle.

I had to have a talk with Nana the other day....she let him "drive" her car. (Even though Chris does it a little....that is his child....u know?) Anyway, I went in with the intentions of telling her that I would appreciate it if she wouldnt let him do that anymore. But before I get in the door good she says..."I know I messed up Friday." And I am like well yeah you did. I am not sure if I had a look on my face or if Zach told her that I was going to beat her butt for letting him "drive". Needless to say we got that straight and she was practically begging me not to get mad and not let him stay with her anymore. I told Chris after it was all overwith because I didn't want him to get too upset with her. So I told him Monday night and said I handled it!! haha

They have too many rules at school. Zach can't take his backpack anymore that I paid so much money for that has his name on it!! Which kinda ticks me off. And he can't bring his lunch box with snack in it. WHAT!! They also sent home a thing yesterday about "head lice". Which freaked me out!! I hate lice and I hope that my baby doesn't get it. EWW!! I just get the heebygeebies thinking about it. :P

Anyway that is what is going on right now. Probably more but I don't want to bore you!!

Until next time.........

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

LoNg TiMe No BlOg!! :)

Well it's been a while since I last posted anything. Chris has left to work on a tug boat and my baby starts school tomorrow. :'(

A little depressed about money.....but it is all going to be ok. Things will start to look up soon.

I am sick. My nose is so stopped up. I feel like I could crawl in bed and stay there for a while. :)

Mom is keeping Zach for me this week. I think they have had fun. Then Chris' mom is going to start getting him after school everyday. I am going to get him tomorrow and Friday though. He is MY baby!! I have to be the first one that he tells about his day. :) you know?

well i am not really talkative today....being sick and about to fall asleep on my desk is hard work. ;) haha

Later tater!

Monday, July 9, 2007

The Family Pictures

We went to have the pictures made Saturday. They turned out really good. We went to watch Transformers too. Awesome movie by the way. I couldn't believe that Zach sat there the whole time and watched it. That is how good it was. It was almost 2 1/2 hours long!!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Nothing new.....

Well there is nothing new going on in my world lately. Hence the reason for not posting anything lately.

I have been doing the myspace thing quite a bit. I now have 46 friends!! haha!

We are going to have pictures made at Sears tomorrow. Just the three of us. I think it would be fun to have a pic of all the, dad, me, chris, zach, hannah and richard. But we probably couldn't get everyone there. Or maybe we could. Who knows?

Chris told Zach that we would be going to watch a movie and I know these are the two that he wants to see. So I will tell you when we get back what we saw!!

I am sooooo glad that it is Friday!!

Well happy belated 4th of July!!!

Maybe next week I will have more to tell. :)

Until next time......

Thursday, June 28, 2007


Well last night I went to pick up Zach from Bible School....we were going home and I was asking him how his night went and glanced over at him and when I looked back at the road there was a dog lying there trying to get up before I killed him, but he didn't make it. The front and back tires ran him over. It was awful!! We turned around hoping that he just walked away but.......he didn't. It was sad. When I got home Chris saw that the fog light on the driver's side is busted out and my bumper is bent down a little!! I cannot believe that I ran over a DOG!! Lord please for give me!

I think I forgot to tell that our Princess had her pups!! 6 of them!! Well now we are down to 4. 2 have died, one because she stepped on him and the other because he somehow got under the dog house and I guess when she got in....well you get the picture.

We are all murderers in our family apparently. Dogs do not stand a chance around us!!

Well until next time.......

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Police once more....

Well the county sheriff showed up again last night. This time Chris had to take the truck to my Dad's house! He is not happy. Apparently the neighbors called the sherriff's department again after Chris stopped parking in the other spot because of their fence. I really don't understand what we have done to them. We may never know.
Zach is going to Bible School this week! He is so excited. He loves it. One of the ladies at the church told me last night that he is really smart. I am glad that he is smart. Makes me feel good!! haha!


Not too much going on lately. That may or may not be a good thing.

Until next time........

Monday, June 25, 2007

Fun Weekend!!

Well the weekend was fun. Saturday morning Zach and I cleaned the house for the spa party that I had. (Not so fun cleaning!) Only a few people showed up for the spa party. Hannah, Richard and Melinda. Then Moma and Aunt Betty showed up at 3:30 or so. I did get some free stuff though!! YEAH!! haha!!

Saturday night me, Hannah, Chris, Richard and Zach went to watch a movie and eat at Jalisco's. (I think I am spelling that right.) Here are the pics......

This is the movie that we went to see!!