Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Why me?

Why is it that every time I don't do something right it gets brought to my attention but when I do all things right no one says anything about it?

That's what happened yesterday. I know that my boss (the president of the company) hates me. Why? I couldn't tell you. But anytime someone mentions my name to him he starts acting crazy!! Maybe it's because of my weight? Maybe it's something else that I don't know about?

Someone had a problem with their account because I applied payments wrong. I know stupid right? Anyway, the boss calls someone else to straighten it out and then my other boss (that works in the same office as me) saw that she was doing my job. So then she comes in here telling me that the other lady is doing my job because I didn't do it right to begin with and that my boss asked her to do it because I don't do my job. That every time he asks me to do something or about something I haven't done my job right!! And I'm like whatever!! Of course, I cry because I am so pissed. It just doesn't seem right to tell someone that they don't do their job just because of one thing. There's more to the story but I won't bore you with it.


Chris came home yesterday!! :0) He will be home until next Saturday!! He got to go to one of Zach's games for the first time yesterday too. Zach was so happy. You could tell that he was trying to show out for his daddy!! :0)

Well have a good day....or week.....until I write again!! SLP

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