Monday, January 19, 2009

Missing Chris and other stuff......

On the Saturday before Chris was supposed to leave on Sunday to go back to work his mom had a tree go through her roof so we had to go see if we could help with it. We, unfortunately, didn't get back home till after midnight so our night was ruined and we didn't get to spend any time together like we usually do before he leaves. So, needless to say, I am feeling terrible this week missing him so much!! I usually can busy myself with other things and not think about it too much but it is harder this time and that is the only reason that I can think of that was different.

I love his mom because she is his mom but sometimes she just tries to get between us, whether on purpose or not. I know that she doesn't like me but she just makes it known to him and I feel like if she is like that he might start feeling the same way....although, our relationship is stronger now than it has been in the past, I still wonder. I just have issues with her I guess. I am trying to be better. :0)

Well anyway, onto the weight....I weighed this morning and I have lost another pound. Putting my total lost to 105!! :0) I still weigh more than I want to but I am slowly but surely getting there. I feel so much better about myself and I have started wearing jewelry, earrings and necklaces and such. Some people notice my difference and comment...others just stare. And still others comment about my different hairdo. LOL

Didn't do too much this weekend...we went to the grocery store on Friday and I took Zach on his first trip to the library!! He was so excited!! I made a fool of myself...forgetting to take any money into the library, you have to pay a $1 for the card and I forgot to get cash so I asked if I could write a check for it. She looked at me a little weird and then said yes.

Anyway, hope everyone has a great week!!

6 lovely comments:

Anonymous said...

I totally know where you are coming from. My Chris used to work out of town too. We never got to spend holidays together & didn't get to celebrate any anniversaries together until like our 6th year. We are still like newly weds even now because of all the time we missed from each other. The saying about absence making the heart grow fonder is true but it sure doesn't make it any better...I KNOW!!! Hang in there!! And about your mother in law. I know about that one too. I had to overcome that one. We know how that one worked out. I am a positive person, so I try to use that to look for the light at the end of the tunnel. Don't let her bother you & focus on your family. Enjoy your moments together & not what she is trying to take away from you. You're not going anywhere & she will get over it eventually. LOL!!! You can do it!!!

oº°♥°ºSaMaNtHaº°♥°ºo said...

I know what you mean!! When he comes home every month it's like something new and exciting!! hehe I think this experience for the past year and a half has made me appreciate him more and him me more. As far as his mom, I am nice to her everytime I see her...I don't like being mean...but I also don't like her telling him that me and my family treat her badly. It's like she comes up with things just to keep him away from me. I'm still looking past it though and I tell him that he needs to love her no matter what because that is the only mom that he is going to have. Ya know? I am here to stay!! :0)

Anonymous said...

I had to learn the hard way not to let others bother me. At one time I had so many people pulling on me in all directions that I was beginning to lose a part of myself. I finally said the heck with it. No one else is going to live my life but me. I told them all how it was going to be & they FINALLY got the message. They now know that their opinions don't matter to me because I am going to do what is best for MEGAN & they can lump it. LOL!!! I lived 28 yrs of my life for them. I'm on my time now & I'm lovin every minute of it. Chris' is the only opinion that matters. We are better for it. It is a big part of why we left Alabama. We are much happier here!! So forget all those outsiders. Continue to work on making yourself feel better. Not for anyone else but SAMANTHA!!! Don't worry!! Your husband loves you. His mom can't influence that. You have been together too long. If she could have, she would have already!! So stop worrying about that one. YOU'RE GOLDEN!!!

oº°♥°ºSaMaNtHaº°♥°ºo said...

Thank you Meagan!! I have started trying to do better with all that. A lot of people are not liking that but oh welL!! :0) Chris wants to move to Alaska because his friend lives there and he sees how good he is doing but that's a little far!! LOL

Anonymous said...

WOW....I have always wanted to go to Alaska. I say GO FOR IT!! But take your snow boots with ya. LOL!! Then we can come visit. LOL!!!

oº°♥°ºSaMaNtHaº°♥°ºo said...

That is true!! It's pretty cold up there!! I have always wanted to go too!!