Monday, January 14, 2008

Sucks to be me....

Well I went to the doctor today. My PCP (Primary Care Physician). He said that I have to be on a diet for 6 months. He won't go back to 2006 to get my weight and do it that way. GRRRRR!!! I was a little upset (Understandably). I want this done this month. Not have to wait until July or August!! But I am doing ok with it now. What's 6 months when I have been dealing with my weight since I was in the 3rd grade!! I remember in 4th grade we had to be weighed for something at school and the teacher weighed me and it said 150 lbs. He said do you weigh at home and I lied and told him yes that it was usually 20 lbs less than that. LIAR!!!! Anyway I know that 130 lbs for a 10 year old isn't good either.

Anyway....I will be going to the doctor for the next 6 months being weighed. Me and Han are starting to walk this afternoon. I am determined that this will work!!! :)

I hate not telling people what is going on because I know they wonder why I cry so much. But I just don't want anyone to try to change my mind. Does that make sense?

Well More later!!!!

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