Monday, February 18, 2008

It's Monday already?

Ok so the weekend went pretty well. Our anniversary was Saturday but with Chris being gone it was just another day. We went to Tracey's to eat supper with them and Mom and Dad and Pop and my aunt Terri from Orlando and two of her kids, Scottie and Morgan. Morgan wasn't feeling too good so she wasn't very talkative. We had hot dogs and sausage and chips. (Not very diet friendly) But I did good. I ate one hot dog and a small piece of sausage and some BAKED potatoe chips. Oh and I had baked beans and thought I was doing good there until they told me that they had waffle syrup and brown sugar in them. haha They were awesome!! LOL I just said oh well.

We played Taboo and it was the funniest game ever. Especially since it was girls against guys and there were 4 girls and only 2 guys. Hilarious!

I didn't walk all weekend. :-( I am going to walk everyday this week. At least that is what I am rooting for . We will see how it goes. I brought chicken noodle soup and wheat thins for lunch. With water to drink. I am going to limit myself to having tea for supper and that is it.

I bought a set of scales on Friday that weigh up to 440 lbs. and they are digital also. I feel like my clothes are fitting looser but gaining weight does not make me feel better. I will probably wear the scales out getting on them everyday but I just have to feel better....of course it may make me feel worse. Hmmm...we will see.

I am so ready for Chris to come home!! He probably won't like it that we are eating Lean Cuisine or Smart Ones for supper every night so I will probably backslide on that next week. Hopefully I can control myself and let him cook them something and then eat my stuff. I CAN DO THIS!!

I didn't drink any cokes this weekend!! GO ME!! The last coke I had was on the 8th of Feb. And I shared it with Zach so it wasn't even a whole one!! hehe Things are going to get better. I am certain!!

Anyway....hope you all enjoy your week. I am going to try to limit myself to blogging this week. I am trying to only do it a couple times a week instead of everyday. We will see how that goes.


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