Wednesday, February 13, 2008

No title....

Last night we went to sign Zach up for T-ball. I left work 15 minutes early so that I could go home and get his birth certificate because I knew that I had to have that in order to sign him up. We get to the sign up place and I have no idea where to go. We finally saw a note on a door that said Dixie League sign ups are in the library. Ok so where is the stupid library??? I saw a door open to a little tin building and told my sis that if that wasn't it then we would ask the people inside where to go. Sure enough that was the place but the "library" is only about as big as my bedroom!! WTF?? Anyway, I filled out the info for her and she told me not to right down his sizes because we would do that when the coach called to tell us who's team he would be on. Apparently the coaches pick their own teams so I'm figuring Zach will be on the bad team because the coaches won't know him and he has never played before. Back to the madness....when I handed her the birth certificate she was not pleased because she was hoping I had already made a copy for her because apparently the "library" doesn't have a copier. So she went in search of one and the person had already left. So I went all the way to my house for nothing!!!! I have to take her a copy today to her place of work. UGH!! I was mad, but it didn't stop there because when we went back outside it was STORMING!! I mean when we got to the car we were all soaking wet. And of course I didn't want to cook supper so we went to McDonald's. :-) I am bad I know.

I am back to the point of wondering whether or not I will have a job in the next few weeks. None of the companies stores have any gas and we have no propane to sell either! Will I have a job or won't I? I would love to stay at home and clean up or sleep or whatever but I know that if I don't have anything productive to do I will get bored and I will think that I need to eat constantly. :-( All day at work I do really good only eating breakfast, lunch and maybe an afternoon snack. But then when I get home I feel the need to eat....I don't always give into it but it is there all the same. Just like I have issues with going to a place to eat...I feel like I need to get the biggest thing on the menu. I don't know why my mind is like this. I have been doing good though not giving in to that underlying thought. I AM STRONG!!! I CAN DO THIS!!

I go to my PCP appointment tomorrow.....I will post how it goes....wish me luck!!!!

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