Friday, February 1, 2008


Yesterday I went to pick up Zach to take him with us to the dentist so that we wouldn't have to get someone else to pick him up and the teacher tells me that she needs to talk to me in the hall.

This is what happened:

teacher: Samantha, Zach got his star taken down again today.

me: why?

teacher: He was wrestling with some more kids in the other class and wouldn't stop when he was told.

me: I know he and his dad do that all the time at home and I have told him that he needs to stop.

teacher: well i know that boys will be boys but he also interrupts me when I am talking and talks about his game constantly. He is one of the brightest kids in the class. I think he may be bored. He knows everything and that is why he interrupts me is to tell me the answer.

me: He learned everything that you guys are learning this year in his preschool.

teacher: well if he was my child I would take away his game and spank his butt when I got him home.

me: There is no telling what his dad is going to do to him because he has told him that he needs to quit doing all these things. I will take care of it.

Needless to say he did not get a spanking because it was late when we got home and I didnt want to spank him in the school parking lot because I don't want anyone to call DHR on me for spanking my child. I told him today that he needed to be better and not interrupt or talk about his game. He is grounded from the game until Chris comes back home unless he gets worse and then he won't get it back then either. UGH!! I feel like pulling my hair out.


I asked Zach last night if he would like it if moma was skinny and his eyes lit up and said YES!!! That made me feel even worse about myself. :-(

Yesterday I had:


1 slice of wheat bread


4 oz yogurt


grilled chicken sandwich from Mcdonald's


2 bites of a fish filet sandwich


At 6:30p.m. a BIG storm came through, I am convinced that it was part tornado. We ran and got in the closet because the wind was so loud and something hard was hitting the windows. After the wind died down a little we came out of the closet and had no lights because a transformer by our house got struck. We were the only house in the neighborhood with no lights. They finally came back on an hour or so later. In that time I was stressed so I ate a peanut butter sandwich on wheat bread. :-( I wasn't hungry I just knew that it was there and had to have it!! What is wrong with me?


Chris has left again for a month. :-( I didn't want to see him go. He almost didn't go because he locked his keys in his truck and we have no spare key!! It cost $50 to get it unlocked!! Can you believe that? But we get it back because our insurance is paying for it!! YEAH!!

I made a virtual model of what I am going to look like at 170 lbs. -------> Don't I look cute? hehe


I feel like some friends that I have are upset with me for some reason. After seeing/reading some things that I did this morning, I feel like they are thinking that I am not such a good friend to have after all. Who knows? Because I haven't done anything to make them feel that I was anything but loyal to them. I guess I was right in saying that my sister is my best friend and possibly my only true friend. She loves me no matter what and sees my faults but still loves me and even if I don't call her everyday or see her everyday she understands. If I don't feel like talking she understands. I am comfortable around her. She is my rock!!! :-) I love her!! I guess we only have one true friend in this world and sometimes it takes a long time to figure that out.

I guess I shouldn't get really upset about the whole thing because I really don't know if they were referring to me but it just makes me feel really bad that they would think that I was anything but a true friend to them. UGH!! I get too upset about everything.

Well continue to pray for me and all my many many stresses!!! :)

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