Friday, May 18, 2007

Did I Overreact?

Yesterday when I got back from lunch with Tracey (today is her birthday!!), my computer desktop had a picture of a man and woman doing things that I will not name. Some of my coworkers had put it on there in my absense. Any other time maybe I would have laughed and went on about my business but it really got off with me. I don't know why. Maybe I overreacted to the situation, maybe I didn't. I don't know. I don't know if it embarrassed me or what happened. I was scared that my boss was going to see it for one, but thankfully she didn't. It's over and done now. Moving on.....
On the way home yesterday Zach wanted to listen to Fly Away by Tim McGraw. He loves that song. So when he asked/told me I turned it to it. Well he said pause it for a I did and he said why do you always do what I tell you to? WHAT!!???!!?? So I said well from now on when you want me to do something I won't do it because you don't do what I tell you to. And he laughed. My 4 year old knows that I do whatever he wants me to and knows that I won't fuss about it most of the time. Got to change that!! I told him that if he didn't behave then we wouldn't go to Tyler's birthday party tomorrow. And of course he got upset and told me that he wouldn't be mean anymore. HA!!

Well it's FRIDAY!!! I am so glad that I get to be home tomorrow instead of at work!! And then next Monday is Memorial Day (may 28) and we are off!! Yeah!!

Have a good weekend!! Until next time.......

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