Wednesday, May 2, 2007

My Stupidity.....

I apparently am the most stupid person ever....I tried to tell my husband yesterday that I am scared for him to drive the log truck anymore. But of course he said that the reason was that I wanted him to make more money (would that be such a bad thing?). I am just going to stop telling him what I feel because he pretty much says that I am lying. I have a lot of that in my life. I just feel worthless.

We fought of course but I am not going to get into that.

Zach is ready for the beach trip. He told Chris that we were going today. One reason was because I had ordered some beach stuff from Disney online and it came yesterday. It was a beach towel with his name on it, Power Ranger swim trunks, a beach chair (Little Einsteins), and a Power Ranger muscle shirt. Of course, he had to wear the muscle shirt this morning. haha!

Well, I decided last week that I am through with the baby making....well not the act, :) but obsessing about it so much. It just breaks my heart every month when things go like they do. I am just going to try to push it from my mind as much as I can. I think I have done fairly good this month....I haven't started counting the days yet to see when I am supposed to ovulate. But the month is not over yet. I know that God has his plan for me and I just need to sit back and let him do his thing. :-)

Well I am afraid that I am going to get yelled at today about another account so I better get to work.

Until next time!!

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