Wednesday, May 16, 2007

No Title Today.....

Forgot to take this pictures of the flowers yesterday. Maybe I won't forget this afternoon. We had to go to Fred's yesterday.

Before we went in I told Zach that he didn't have to get in the buggy if he would walk beside me and he could have some M&M's (anymems is what he calls them). So he did like he was told. I was shocked!! So he got some ice cream (for later) and some M&M's and the girl checking us out asked me why I was getting him so much sugar stuff. (Nosie) haha!! I told her it was because he listened to me and didn't run all over the place. Which is a huge thing for us. He is usually running all over the store screaming when I don't put him in the buggy.

This week is going by really slowly for some reason for me. I am ready for FRIDAY!!! We have to go see Chris' grandmother because she called me Monday night and asked me why we never come to see her anymore. And of course I felt bad so I told her that we would come see her Saturday. We also have Tyler's birthday party to go to. Zach is going to love that because we get to go to the playground for it!!

Update on the Dad thing.....

Chris' mom is supposed to be calling some people to see if she can find the man that she now thinks is his dad. I don't think she wants him to know myself. He called her Sunday to tell her Happy Mother's Day (because I told him that he needed to) and she didn't mention it. Keep in mind also she has not called our house but once since April 23. I told him that he needed to call her and ask her about if she was looking for his dad. Well she didn't really want to talk about it and the conversation turned from him to her (as per usual). So I got mad and told him to just get off the phone with her because all she cared about was herself and no one else not even him. And she was making him feel bad like it was his fault that he was born.

That was one thing that led up to what happened at Mom's. I don't usually get mad at things but I am just to my witts end with this woman!!! I just want to take her by her neck and strangle her......I am calm....breath in,.....breath out.....breath in.....breath out.

I will be ok. Well I have vented enough again today.....Until next time....

(I'm only kidding I would never really strangle anyone)

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